Antibiotics and Cancer? Understanding Antibiotics from the perspective of Cancer Risk

What causes Cancer? The ultimate causes of Cancer have been studied for decades and there doesn’t seem to be a single cause to isolate. Many conclusive studies point towards Genetics related to Hereditary and Lifestyle related to Alcohol and Tobacco, among the many causes or risk factors. Excess use or unguided use of Antibiotics is also thought to be the reason for certain cancers such as the Colorectal Cancer. Several scientific publications have highlighted the relation between overusing Antibiotics and Colon Cancer in the recent times. This certainly requires careful analysis of the available data and understanding the underlying reasons. This is significant given the positive role of Antibiotics in Healthcare. Medical practitioners don’t have to completely do away with medications that are important in the management of various infections..

Using Antibiotics – What are the Pros and Cons?

Antibiotics are recommended to treat bacterial infections. They are very effective in providing symptomatic relief and arrest the infections. Bacterial infections are different from viral infections. When it comes to treating the bacterial infections, many Antibiotics are proven to be effective. But, excessive usage of these medications can become counter-productive in the long run. This could mean the body may stop to respond to certain Antibodies, especially the ones used in excessive doses. This is because the patient’s body could have developed resistance to Antibodies over a period of time. This is the reason why self medication is strictly not recommended under any situation.

Fortunately there is more and growing awareness in the recent times among the patents in this regard. Sadly, awareness concerns are applicable to certain medical practitioners too. According to a reputed medical publication, over forty percent of Antibiotics recommended are unnecessary. Many respected Epidemiologists also warn against their excessive usage because they can cause severe side effects. It would be hurtful to know that disproportionate use of these Antibodies can even add to the risk of Cancer. If so, it must be an alarming concern that should be addressed at a large scale.          

Research links Antibiotics with increased risk of Colon Cancer

Recent data published in Annals of Oncology and also presented in the recently concluded ESMO World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer 2021 highlights the risk of using unnecessary Antibiotics. This study presented by Dr Sarah Perrott should concern people of age groups less than 50 years. The data is based on a case-control study that involved close to 800 Colorectal Cancer cases and more than 30,000 healthy controls. Individuals below 50 years have 49% increased risk due to the history of Antibiotic use, according to this study. This risk is more specific to Colon Cancer. Obesity has been considered as one of the key risk factors. Unhealthy lifestyle with junk food and alcohol consumption has been attributed to certain cancers including the CRC. With these recent findings, it is evident that the history of Antibiotic usage can be added to the list of risk factors. A better interpretation could be that combining unhealthy lifestyle with sustained use of certain unnecessary medications may compound the risk of Cancer.                

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