Biotech & Gene Therapies

Gene Therapy for Hemophilia B can replace lifelong need for factor IX injections

Freeline Therapeutics has advanced a new gene therapy that can potentially replace the need for lifelong factor IX injections in patients with Hemophilia B. This could emerge as a game changer in the management of Hemophilia B, a hereditary bleeding disorder. The absence of factor IX which is a naturally produced protein known for its…

Nanopore DNA sequencing – New genetic test to diagnose Rare Neurological Diseases

Diagnosing some of the rare or hidden neurological disorders has been a challenge to the medical fraternity for long. Several conditions are often presented with similar set of symptoms. Inaccurate diagnosis is one of the top-most reasons for treatment delays.Nanopore DNA sequencing is a new DNA test that can effectively diagnose over fifty genetic disorders…

How is it looking for CAR-T and Gene Therapies so far in 2022?

With almost a quarter gone by in 2022, it would be a natural tendency for the Gene Therapy enthusiasts and market observers to try and make some sense of the developments in the sector. For some it could be a mixed bag of experiences and ardent expectations at the same time. It is a mixed…

Another first – Rethymic approved for a Rare Pediatric Immune Disorder treatment

Rethymic, a regenerative tissue based therapy is now approved by the US FDA for patients with congenital athymia. It took more than 25 years for its research and development at the Duke University School of Medicine. Enzyvant acquired the license in 2017 and suffered FDA rejection in 2019. For many it was a surprise rejection,…

FDA Approved Gene Therapy Products – Promising Drugs launched in the recent times

Gene Therapies offer much needed hope and promise to transform the future Healthcare scenario. All the recent developments in this area clearly point towards Breakthrough research leading to the launch of several innovative gene therapy drugs. The clinical management of hereditary and genetic disorders has always been a challenge. Many rare diseases could not be…

Gene Therapy Innovations – What are the latest global trends?

There could be no two opinions about the fact that the Gene Therapy Innovations will lead the way forward in the global Healthcare revolution. While there is so much research that is underway at this point in time, it will be exciting to know what future holds for this segment. It will also be of…

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